Friday, August 8, 2008

Me and my shadow

When Senica wasn't busy carrying all those boxies, she was busy following Tiff around. Senica really loves Jeff and Tiff and towards the end of the day, I could see her mood changing a little bit. Anitra had to go to work, so they took Ty and Brian and I kept Senica. When we were getting ready to leave she yelled over to Jeff for "HUGS". He hugged her and she walked away real quick, wiping her eyes. (the bottom left pic). I hurried and put my sunglasses down on my face so she wouldn't see my crying too, so I could be strong for her. Our converation went as follows:

S: I'm gonna miss them.
A: I know Senica, I'm gonna miss them too!
S: Are you sad Addi?
A: Yes, I am sad, but we will see them again. Are you crying Senica?
S: No, I'm not. My eyes are just wet!

It made me think...I was trying to not let her see me cry so I could be strong for her, but was I really showing her that it's not ok to cry? I hope not, and I'm sure she doesn't think that. I cry a lot and she sees me cry a lot. We talked about it again at lunch. I was telling Anitra that she was sad and crying...

Addi: Senica and I were sad when we had to say goodbye and Senica cried a little bit.
Anitra: Senica did you cry?
Senica: NO!
Addi: Senica, you didn't cry? I thought you were.
Anitra: Well, Senica, mommy cried because she is going to miss them.
Senica: No, I did not cry, my eyes were just wet and you guys are making my eyes get wet again right now!

She's too sweet!
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Anitra said...

It looks like she is following suit with her mom and grandma. A strong woman, yet emotional too.

The Barnes said...

Ok so she is the sweetest thing, made me tear up just reading it!!!

Jess said...

She seems like a real sweetheart! I love the pictures and stories :) Keep it up!

Unknown said...

This story still cracks me up! She's such a sweetie and I LOVE her!!!!