Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Jim!

Last night Jacinda came over and spent the night so we could get up early and go to the Junior League Thrift Shop Sale. I was up 'till 4 baking/cooking and then up by 6 to go shopping! :) We were home by 10 and I continued the cooking and our first guest came over around 12 noon. We had people over for the Notre Dame game and it was so much fun. Not the game of course, but it Jim and Keia came over with their little girl. Kaeleigh and Adria are only 3 days apart...look at all of Kaeleigh's hair! :) Then April and the girl's came over and then Jonathan. We had a full house and enough food to feed a small army! I love having people over and even though I was tired, it was a great day!!

** Happy Birthday to Jim!!** Brian didn't realize it was his birthday and of course Jim didn't say anything until about 11 at night! Even then, he didn't come out and say it...and I felt so bad, I wanted to go back upstairs and bake him a cake! He told me no though...I did make him a milkshake, I think he was happy with that.
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