Thursday, September 18, 2008

Write this down...

Senica was being crazy. We were putting the puzzle together and she was coming up with some statements that made Anitra and I look at each other are say "where did she hear that"!? So, we are having a conversation with that went like this...

S: Oh my gosh!
Anitra: Instead of saying "gosh" you could say, Oh My Goodness.
Addi: Yes, Oh My Goodness sounds so much nicer!

S to me: Let me see that (puzzle) piece Booty Baby
Addi: Uhhh...what?
Anitra: Senica, why don't you say, Addi can I please see that piece?

I was about laughing so I turned my head so Senica wouldn't see me and there on the couch sits Ty...pencil in hand, like he was taking notes. What Not To Say by Ty...No booty talk! Got it!

Isn't that hilarious?! He looked so serious!
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