Monday, June 9, 2008

Really, what's old?

Tonight I had to go to the grocery store and the Family Christian Bookstore. I had called Anitra to see if she needed anything at the store and she asked if I would pick something up for her and also that she had a coupon if I wanted to stop and pick it up. I stopped by and Senica wanted to go with me. So, off to the FCB Senica and I went. Then to Kroger to get groceries.

They are repaving McKinley and the road is kinda rough. I said to Senica there is gonna be a bump....and then another one. She asked why the road was so bumpy. I said, "well, it's old and it needed updated". She says "Is it old like Grandma Pottenger? Cuz, Addi, you know she's old, but Grandma Jeri isn't". It reminded me of something in my baby book. When I was 3, I said to my Grandma Pauly "You're pretty old aren't you grandma? I'm only 3. I don't go to school, I go to Sunday School".

It was weird because I can remember reading that about myself and it was so similar to the conversation I was having with Senica.
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