Sunday, November 9, 2008


I've been tagged.

Share 7 facts about yourself. Some random and some weird.

Tag 7 people at the end of your post. By leaving their names.Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Let us know who tagged you.

1. I'm a pack rat. My husband tries to throw away stuff of mine and I get upset. I have my 6th grade 8-pocket folder. I don't know...I might need it some day. Maybe to burn and provide heat for our home this winter. :)

2. I'm diabetic. 12 years this December. It's hard and frustrating at times, but I am thankful that it's treatable. I try not to whine too much about it, but it sucks!

3. I love Chili...without the beans. Kinda weird, but the texture of beans is gross to me. The same with the texture of Tapioca pudding and cottage cheese. Yuk!

4. I hate turkey. Even on Thanksgiving. I'm spoiled because mom always makes me ham too! :)

5. I talk with my sisters...on average, between the 2 of them...probably 5-6 times a day! Yes, a day. A lot of the time about nothing real important...but it's comforting for me to hear their voices.

6. I'm a Diet Coke addict. People joke with me about having an IV with it, but I don't think I would like that because I honestly love the taste of it. 12 years ago before diabetes, I wouldn't touch diet soda.

7. I'm a night owl. I H.A.T.E. mornings. My husband hates waking me up in the morning...I'm a little grouchy!

I don't know how random or weird these were, but thanks to Rene for tagging me!

Now I'm tagging:
