Monday, May 12, 2008

The BEST Birthday Ever!

Well, today was my 28th birthday! It was my best birthday yet. I had such a wonderful day! At midnight, Brian gave me my next to last gift, a travel Cubs mug for my morning coffee! :) When I was on my way to work, I found a sweet card from my husband in my purse. At work, I had a card waiting for me from my boss' and co-worker. Then, my whole department went together and had a carry-in lunch for me! It was amazing!!! I mean, a full meal people! A goulash main dish, salad, garlic bread, Diet Coke and CAKE!! There was a vase of fresh Gerbera Daisies and a planter of them as well! The table was decorated with a tablecloth with Gerbera Daisies and plates to match! It's was so neat...and to top it all off, balloons! Don't I have the best people to work with??

When I got home, Brian was ready to take me to dinner and I was thinking that I couldn't eat another bite! But, you know me, I managed to do so! We went to Texas Roadhouse and it was delicous! When we got home, Anitra, Senica and Ty brought down a birthday cake that they made for me! :) That was really yummy too!

Throughout the day I had a bunch of phone calls, my favorite being my calls from my nieces, singing to me! I also had a bunch of emails and cards from friends and favorite email being from my nephews, Billy and Bobby in Connecticut! :)
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1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I'm so glad that I was there to help you celebrate your birthday! What fun and wish you many, many more:)