The one question as an aunt that I hear over and over again....Why?? Honestly, most of the time, I have no idea on how to answer the "why's" of my nieces! I am sure with Ty being the only boy, there will be many boy "why's" that I can't answer either. I can remember when Janae first entered the "why" phase. It was humorous at first...just so cute of her. Then it got annoying. You couldn't have 2 sentences without 10 "why's". Senica is just entering her "why" phase. Here we go again...
Today was a long day at work...actually it's been a long week! I have been helping Anitra with VBS, but I just couldn't go tonight. I was just.too.tired. So, I stopped by their house on the way home to drop off the stuff that I had in my Jeep for VBS. Seth had a meeting at Bethel with one of his players and his dad and Seth was going to take Senica and Ty with him. Yeah...ok, Anitra thinks Senica can't sit through a 20-minute Bible story at VBS. Senica in a baseball meeting for an hour...and Ty too! So, sorry to disappoint you...Cheryl, but I told Seth that I would take Senica if he would keep Ty. Senica didn't want to sit through a boring baseball meeting anyway! :) So, Senica came down, we swam, I gave her a bath, we dried her hair so it will be nice for their pictures tomorrow, ate dinner and Seth was back! Senica was an angel and it was
almost effortless! :)
So, we go to get in the pool...
Senica: Addi, you don't have all the leaves out, we can't get in yet.
Addi: It's ok, we don't need them all out, we can swim with some of them.
Senica: Why?
Addi: Why, what?
Senica: Why, does BK take them out then?
Addi: Well, sometimes we like to have a clean pool when we swim, but we don't always have to.
Senica: Why?
Addi: Well, sometimes if we leave the leaves in the pool, it's kinda like the lake (dirty)and BK likes the lake.
Senica: Where is BK, is he at work?
Addi: Yes, he's at work, he should be home soon.
Senica: Why?
And so our evening went...Senica with her "why's" and me sometimes wondering along with her...yes, Why?
It made me think about this week at work. I had a patient who was quite unhappy.... she used the 4-letter word with me that would have cost her $.25 in the cuss jar if she had grown up in our house...and Dr. Poovendran came through with some education on the origin of the word. I thought how does he know that, who would know that? Dr. Poovendran is a bottomless pit of knowledge. It got me thinking...he must always ask "why". How else would he know all this trivia, if he didn't ask why. After my lesson from him on the 'naughty word'...he went on to tell us how the word "sandwich" came to be. Dr. Poovendran is the kind of person who if he wonders something he will research it and he
will remember it...his memory is AMAZING! Really, people, I have never met someone with a mind like his!
So, anyway, in all my rambling, it made me think, when did I lose my ability to ask "why"? Not that I need to ask as often as the girls though. :) But honestly, I am going to make an effort in asking "why"... see what new things I can learn about. Useless knowledge? Maybe, but it will probably help me beat Brian in Jeopardy! :) (by the way, it's teen week...when I can get a lot of answers right!) he he
So, tonight I tried to pick out the pictures of kids - that looked like their captions would be "WHY" How do you like the one of Ty? His little eyebrows are raised! Too.CUTE!